Thursday, August 26, 2010

Learn the Old Testament Song

I know there is a song with the books of the Old Testament in it, but somehow I never learned that one.  My sister and I use to go to "Good News Club" after school, which was a Pentecostal (maybe?) based weekly Primary type thing that was held in my little town of 189 people....well I guess it was 196 since my family of 7 moved in.

Anyway,  one of our neighbors, Mrs. Connelly led it.  We would sing songs and she would tell a Bible story or two and I don't remember if their was anything else to it or now.  I still remember some of the songs though.
My favorite was "He could have called 10,000 angels".  I will have to search for the words and music sometime...maybe I could sing it in my church.  : )

That is really where I got the New Testament song down.  "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and the Epistle to the Romans...."
It was a different tune then the version they sing in our church's Primary now, but it has stuck with me forever.

Unfortuately, I never caught on to the Old Testament one.  It was embarrassing how long it took me to find Jonah this morning.  I didn't use the table of contents.  I figured it would be close to Job, which is what we studied last week in Sunday School.    Apparently, the Sunday School lessons aren't going in order of the books in the Bible.    Jonah is like 500 pages later.   Who knew?


  1. Hey... Welcome to Blogger... You'll love it! (Your calendar on the sidebar looks amazing, like a professional came to your house and put it up for you!) *wink *wink
    I'm adding you to my blog pals list. So I can obsessively (not so much anymore - I mean there's still a 'procedure', but it's not as crazy!) check on you!
    You're awesome!

  2. I too love your calendar on the sidebar! Way to go!
    ps...I bet you could google that song!
