Monday, August 30, 2010

So Deliriously Happy

The best thing I did today was read scriptures first thing this morning.  Finished up the book of Micah....Seriously, he deserves a worst wrap then Isaiah!  I had no idea what he said.  The summary at the beginning of the chapter has words in it that aren't even in the chapter at all.  So, it's like--"Where the heck did they get that from?"

Just so glad I don't have to read now (or feel guilty for not reading).  I'm in no shape for it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Importance of Being Early

I really need to do this IN THE MORNING!

I did on Thursday.
And , I did on Friday---even though I was going scrapbooking and had to get my stuff together, etc.  I was SO HAPPY last night after getting home late from the ward T night and remembering that I had ALREADY read scriptures.  It was awesome.

Today---no.  I did not read.   Guess what time it is?  3:30 A.M.
For those of you who thinks it is really Sunday, it's not.  It doesn't turn Sunday until I go to bed and then wake up.  So, technically, it is still Saturday.

Am I going to read for Saturday?

50-50 at this point.
And, even if I do, it won't be a great study.
Sympathy read only.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Learn the Old Testament Song

I know there is a song with the books of the Old Testament in it, but somehow I never learned that one.  My sister and I use to go to "Good News Club" after school, which was a Pentecostal (maybe?) based weekly Primary type thing that was held in my little town of 189 people....well I guess it was 196 since my family of 7 moved in.

Anyway,  one of our neighbors, Mrs. Connelly led it.  We would sing songs and she would tell a Bible story or two and I don't remember if their was anything else to it or now.  I still remember some of the songs though.
My favorite was "He could have called 10,000 angels".  I will have to search for the words and music sometime...maybe I could sing it in my church.  : )

That is really where I got the New Testament song down.  "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and the Epistle to the Romans...."
It was a different tune then the version they sing in our church's Primary now, but it has stuck with me forever.

Unfortuately, I never caught on to the Old Testament one.  It was embarrassing how long it took me to find Jonah this morning.  I didn't use the table of contents.  I figured it would be close to Job, which is what we studied last week in Sunday School.    Apparently, the Sunday School lessons aren't going in order of the books in the Bible.    Jonah is like 500 pages later.   Who knew?

in the multitude of Thy mercy

Psalms 5:7 "But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy"

I have to say, I was very discouraged last night.  I have had moments of "greatness" since I started this blog and scripture reading quest, but they seem so long ago now.  In the 10 days since I've been back from the Tetons,  I just haven't been able to get in the groove.  Most days, I haven't read.

When I thought of it last night (cause I had my blog open all day as a reminder to me), I just didn't care.  I just flat out didn't want to read scriptures.  It was almost 11, I was totally pooped and there were all these little things that I was suppose to do--scriptures, finish an online order, carry all the junk by the stairs down (cause no one else knows how to), etc.   I just wanted to go to bed.  I don't like reading scriptures.

So, I told myself that I will read in the morning (I think I've done that several times of late) and called it a night.  I overslept this morning (did I really hit the snooze button 5 times without remembering more then 1!??!). The kids had to come in and wake me up.  (Mike is OOT).  So we didn't get a good family scripture study, but I did read 3 verses to them (well--they were long verses!) before we walked out the door.  Hardly stellar.

As I'm driving down Canyon Road for my carpool kids, I think I pass a friend of mine jogging along Canyon Road.  I'm not even sure if it was her, but it reminded me of her, which reminded me of the time when I asked her about seeing her running while she looked in pain.  Mrs. Will of Steel (not her real name) didn't know which instance I was talking about, but shrugged it off with a matter of fact statement "You have good days and bad days..."

Somehow, that was a revelation to me.  I would think running fools like her would run because they love it.   I figured it was easy for them.  They've been doing it for years!  I'm sure if they usually run 10 miles and one day they decide to do the full marathon route 26+ miles, then the last little bit would be hard for them.  But, as long as they keep doing their usual 10 miles every day, then the 10 miles is easy.  Because they've paid the price, done the training, etc. to be able to check it off their To do list easy.  Why keep doing it if have to force yourself to take another step?

I equated that to my scripture study and how I've come to believe that those who read and study daily, do so because they love it and it is easy for them.  I've done the daily scripture study thing for blocks of time in the past, but I never got to the part where it was easy for me.  That has left me to think that I'm not good at it.  Now I'm thinking even Peter Priesthood and Molly Mormons have to "make" themselves read the scriptures on some days.  It is because they do that they keep their habit and become Molly Mormon.

So, I remembered all this today and that strengthened my resolve to come home from carpool and read scriptures first thing.  I had already planned on doing so, but I plan that lots of days and then allow myself to become distracted.  After seeing Mrs. Will of Steel this morning, I was resolved to make sure I did what I needed to.  Home--scriptures.  First thing.

And I did!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yes, I have been bad.  I've been so into re-reading my Hunger Games series in preparation for the release of #3 book, that I've ignored my little guilt voice that says "you need to read your scriptures".

I have just got back from picking up my midnight copy though and now is the time I've decided to be tough with myself.  No starting the book until I at least do a little scripture study.   I have to re-commit and there is no time like the present.

Friday, August 20, 2010

This Promised Land

I bet you think I am not writing because I am not reading.  That is only partially true.  Mostly, I am not writing because I have been STINKING SWAMPED since I got back from our family reunion camping trip.  But, I did read 3 out of the 5 days I was gone!  One Saturday night I was almost in bed and realized the scriptures were in the van.  I so told myself to skip it and read the next day.  But, I did NOT!  I went back out---got my shoes back on, got the keys to the van, went back out in the cold, etc. to get my BoM so I could read.  I know.  I was awesome.  : ) 

And that is why I need to go ahead and post, so I can be motivated to be awesome again.   

        Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea a land which is choice above all other lands...the Lord consecrate unto thee this land, which is a most precious land, for thy security foever, if it so be that ye shall keep the commandments..."   (1 Nephi 2:20 and 2 Nephi 3:2)  

I think Teton National Park is one of top 5 most beautiful places in the world.  When I am there, I can't help but think of these words.  As happenstance, While I was in the Tetons, I was reading Chapters 13 and 14 in 1 Nephi about how this great country we live in is choice above all other lands, and when we are righteous, God's power is with us...even against great odds.  

 And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Look....And I looked and beheld the land of promise; and I beheld multitudes of people.  I beheld that the Gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity did humble themselves before the Lord and the power of the Lord was with them....The wrath of God was upon all those that were gathered together against them to battle and they were delivered by the power of God.  And the angel said to Nephi Thou has beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be well with them.    (1 Nephi 13:15 & 18 and 14:5)

Look at this picture---of course the people look beautiful (who doesn't when you are camping?!), but the scenery is what gets me.  Screaming blue lakes, jagged, pine covered mountains, crisp blue sky.  This area of Wyoming is why the state deserves to exist.  TNP is the bomb! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Glad to be a loser

I SO should be in bed, but I feel bad about not having posted in the 48 hours I have been back in time.  I'm going crazy with so much to do!

So, I decided to post, but can't even find my scriptures or little notebook---I unpacked them somewhere.....

It was a relief to get on and see I had no new comments and no one is following.  Seriously.  That means no one is wondering about how I'm doing.

I do actually have a post about reading I did while in Teton National Park, but as I said,  I can't find it right now.
So, I am off to bed.  But, I will read a little first anyways
1. because I haven't read since Saturday
2. I'm so flippin stressed over all I have to do and should be doing and the kids start school tomorrow and I can't even get to the little short-non time consuming-items on my To do list, much less the big items, and I just got an email from someone really upset over some things and I've been meaning to email her for a month (literally) and maybe if I had, it would have helped to prevent her current upset-ness.  But, of course, I haven't  taken the time to compose my letter to her (cause it involves thoughtful contemplation and such), so all of that reminded me of how you put things off and then it gets worse, so I'm thinking I could use a little peace in my life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dorry knows all

So when I was a teenager and frequently argued with my mom, her "trump card" was "You'll never be truly happy unless you are living the gospel."  It was pulled out for everything---wanting to go to a rock concert, wanting a later curfew, or absolutely anything else that I was pushing her into a corner with my arguments.  Out would come the "I've lived both sides of life and you'll never be happy without the gospel" speech and the discussion was over.

Yes, it was irritating and yes,  I pass it on to my kids now.  : )

I was reading Nephi 11 about the interpretation of  Lehi's dream.  The fruit from the Tree of Life is the love of God.  This fruit is the most desirable above all things.  So, I'm reading along and that all makes sense to me.

I noticed verse 23 for the first time.  The fruit is also the thing that will bring us the most joy.  That's what makes us the happiest.

All this time I thought Dorry was just speaking from her own personal experience as a convert to the church in her 30's.    Who would have known Dorry was quoting scripture?  She must already be a spiritual giant!

A moment of Triumph

Honestly and truthfully, I read scriptures BOTH mornings in Wendover.  In fact, it was much easier there then it is at home. I literally could do it first thing in the morning---without even getting out of bed because I didn't have anything pressing.   I haven't read today  : (  and yesterday's was pitiful (in the waiting room of the doctor's office, but I still  get credit for accomplishing my goal!

The funny thing is, Mike gets pycho whenever it is "check out" day of any place we are.  When we are camping, he'd like to just roll up the sleeping bag with me in it if he didn't have to worry about me kicking his hynie when I got out.  There have been times when I've come back from brushing my teeth in the bathroom, and the sleeping bags and pillows are gone---they are put away already.  I'm like, "Dude, do we get to eat breakfast this morning (always cold cereal so  we don't spend too much time on it) or do we have to get in the car right now?"

Anyway, I giggled on Sunday morning because checkout was at 11:00.  I woke up about 9:30 and Psycho man has already showered, dressed, everything!  He is making no attempt to be quiet as he is unzipping his suitcase, shuffling things around, etc.   I grumble about the rudeness of it all, but he defends himself with "Checkout is at 11:00."

I  immediately reached over and grabbed my BoM and started reading.  After like 2 minutes, he's like "We need to get going" (in that calm little "What the heck are you doing in bed" tone).

 I say "I'm reading scriptures."


I smile and say, "It must be hard to argue with that, huh, cause it sure did shut you up."  

Of course, we didn't actually leave the room until 11:02 a.m. so I was on his pooh-pooh list for checking out "late".   (Now you see calling him psycho man was not an exaggeration!)  I don't care.  Being a spiritual giant got me at least an extra 10 minutes of laying in bed.  Yae!

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm going on a 19 year anniversary Love Fest this weekend and to enjoy a blast from the past Pat Benetar concert. (I think I'm making a banner even!)  : )       (See how nice it is to write a blog and not tell anyone about it?  You can tell people you are going out of town and everything without worry about someone robbing your house.)

My goal---READ every day.  Every day.  Saturday AND Sunday.  I'm going to do the Book of Mormon cause I have a nice little travel size one.  And I'll take my little study notebook too so I can record any impressions I get.  So, I'm off to do a great job.  I'll be reporting my triumphant goal keeping on Monday.

So, for now, quit reading blogs and get to work on your own problems.  : )

The Power of Reasoning

I know, Not even 9:30 a.m. and I 'm posting.  I'm a new woman!  It only took me and hour and a half to do it "first thing" in the morning.  : )   O.K., well, I'm a NEW woman for today, anyways.

I was reading about the king of Assyria telling the Jews that their God isn't going to save them from his army because he had taken over lots and lots of other countries and the other people's god's didn't stop them.  His argument (2 CHR 32:10-19) was a great one, if you ask me, and it made perfect sense.  It definitely seems like his thinking was completely logical and making sense.

I guess things haven't changed much from 2500 years ago....  There will always be people dismissing God and encouraging you not to trust in Him.  It's important to remember Hezekiah's advice:
"Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed....for there be more with us that with him.  With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles."  (v.7-8)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

payoff already

So, you know I've been reading a lot about temples and cleansing and all that this week (because even on Monday, when I didn't really read scriptures, I had still read the questions and summary in the Sunday School assignment book before I'd gotten interrupted so it really has been all week.)

Mike and I went to the temple tonight and I have to say that when they started talking about washings and being clean and such, I really perked up.  I had new thoughts that I'd never had before!  Always a good thing for me in the temple, as long as they are churchy and now worldly.  : )

My brain was thinking so hard, I stayed awake for the whole session and listened and felt like I started to learn a little more then I ever have learned before.   It wasn't like I was translated or anything, but I have to say it was a good session.  And I owe it ALL TO SCRIPTURE READING!

Who would have known I would have gotten a tangible blessing already.
(Good thing I repented from my bad attitude Saturday night!)
: )

Actually written July 31, but just found in my draft folder...

I know, I know...if I had read scriptures first thing this morning, I wouldn't now be thinking about how you shouldn't have to read scriptures on Saturday night.   I am also thinking I am not reading tomorrow because I read scriptures during Sunday school (unlike some people that I know whom shall remain nameless, but I will just call Stud Muffin who hardly ever go because they think Sunday School hour must be lesson prep for 3rd hour time.  IF I ever invite Stud Muffin to read my blog, perhaps they will want to do a weekly post on Sundays about whether they made the righteous decision and went to Sunday school that day.  Could make for interesting reading.  : )   So, I'm thinking maybe tomorrow can be a day of rest.  Trying to be a Spiritual Giant is tiring.

O.K., well it is 10:44, which is totally time to go snuggle in bed, but since I remembered to post, that reminded me to read, so I'm going to at least peruse the scripture readings for Sunday School tomorrow.


In My Not So Humble Opinion (IMNSHO), I did really good last night.  One whole chapter!
In the Old Testament even!

Since I will miss Sunday school this week, I thought I should at least read the lesson assignment to think  a little about what I should be learning.  So, I read 2 Chronicles 29 last night.  Good for Hezekiah for turning away from wickedness and deciding to have the temple sanctified again for worship.  How about this part...."Be not now negligent: for the Lord hatch chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, that ye should minister unto him..."?  What an inspiring speech he gave to the temple workers!

When I read about the temple workers cleaning out the temple and dumping all the filth into the Brook Kidron, I was thinking here was an early example of environmental pollution. :  )  I didn't learn a lot about Kidron from the Bible dictionary and its scriptural references, but I got some ideas about it from googgling it.  The word means black and it was the creek that everyone in Jerusalem threw their sewer into.  An interesting thing to me is, this is the same brook Jesus crosses over (John) to go to the Garden of Gethsemanie, which of course, is where he suffered such pain and then was betrayed and arrested. (John 18:1)

So, today I was reading 2 Chronicles, Chapter 30 about how Hezekiah invites everyone to come to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover.  They haven't done it for a long time because of the idol worshiping, etc.  So, the Levites had cleaned the temple and they were doing all the actual work of animal sacrificing because the "regular people" hadn't had time to purify themselves.  We know how the Jewish people were about their rules about food and stuff.....So, since these people were unclean, they weren't suppose to eat at the passover either.  But, this whole temple and religion thing was new so they hadn't had time to be cleaned again.

Everything is cool though, cause Hezekiah prays for them saying "The good Lord pardon's everyone that prepareth his heart to seek God....though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary."  Isn't that awesome.  And verse 20 says God listened to Hezekiah and healed the people.

I think that is a sweet story.  : )

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sympathy Pee

Back when we had a dog and I was a working woman, I always let her out to go potty right before I left for work. I wouldn't let her back in the house until I saw her go.  Sometimes, she just didn't want to be outside!  Especially in the rain or snow, she would head out, but then turn right back around and come to the door.  I'd point back out to the yard and sternly say, "Maggie, Go Potty!"  Sure enough, she would turn back around, get out to the grass, and do a quick little squat.  Then right back up on the deck to the back door she would come.  If you watched closely on that quick little squat, you could see that she didn't actually "produce."  I called it her "sympathy pee."    She went through the motion to make me happy.  I gave her credit for this little show of obedience and would let her back in.

I'm going for a sympathy read tonight.  It is 11, everyone is in bed (early up for Youth Conference tomorrow) and I want to be there too.  I was on my way and then I remembered my not-so-fun-anymore goal and bad-idea -to-share-it-with-the-world blog.  Oh yeah.  I've been sucking.  Sigh.    I feel bad about my scripture performance lately so I am recommitting myself to reading IN THE MORNING tomorrow.  MORNING!  Not 11 p.m. on Thursday night.  In the MORNING!

I also know it's bad to say "tomorrow" instead of today, so for Today, I am doing the sympathy read.  Not really "studying", just reading.  And a quick read, at that.  Hopefully, I'll get a little credit for my show of obedience.  : )

(Rrrrr......Ruff!  Ruff!  Good girl!)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tired of being good

I was so jazzed up spiritually on Sunday that I thought I would come home and blog all about AND read my scriptures too.  (Total turn around from my attitude Saturday night, but it was the Lord's day, after all).  : )

Got home, broke my fast, chatted with Mike a bit, took a nap, prepared a great dinner (Mike thinks roast is the bomb, even though I personally think of it more as a "winter food"), etc. and basically forgot all about that I was going to read my scriptures.

Monday morning, I got them laid out in on the kitchen table and was going to start reading this upcoming Sunday School lesson (cause I'll be missing class that day) and I don't think I even got enough read to remember.  I stopped to take Kylie down to the school for soccer tryouts.  Then a walk with my mom and so on.....Sometime later that afternoon, I noticed my scriptures closed and on my bed and realized I had left them on the table and someone must have moved them into my room. And, I didn't read anymore.

So, it might be an E for effort, but not a A for "accomplished."  And, it's probably an E minus, since there wasn't too much effort made to return to them.