Friday, January 13, 2012

Forget Not

So, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about a lesson she is going to teach in her Relief Society soon.  She was taking part of President Uchdorf's talk this last fall about "forget me nots" and focusing on the importance part about not forgetting to be patient with ourselves and that the Lord loves us.  And maybe about not forgetting to be happy now.  I am not sure.

The part that caught my attention was her talking about how we often don't remember or recognize our own gifts.  There are many more gifts out there besides playing piano, being a great singer, or other "noticable" gift.
We often put ourselves down for what we don't have instead of focusing on what we do have.  Some of this is an effort to not be "bragging" and to make sure we appear humble.

As my friend pointed out though, that is not necessary.
The first scripture in the Book of Mormon has Nephi "bragging" about how he had righteous parents, he was favored of the Lord, and he has a lot of knowledge of the teachings of God.  

I hadn't thought of this before.  To recognize things you are good at isn't bragging about them.  It doesn't mean you aren't humble.  In fact, you can use this knowledge to thank Heavenly Father for blessing you with these things.

In Nephi 6:5 and 2nd Nephi 5:32, Nephi says that he is writing things that are pleasing unto God.

Nephi is not afraid to acknowledge the good things he does, can do, and is capable of.

D&C 60:2 talks about the Lord's displeasure with those that won't open their mouths, because they  hide the talents they were given.
D&C 6:33 Fear not to do Good
D&C 30:11 Always open your mouth for God's cause and don't be afraid of what man can do.  That's also said in section 122, verse 9 when Joseph Smith is depressed and down in Liberty Jail.
D&C 82:18 talks about how each of us are to improve upon our talents and seek more so that we can be helpful to each other.
And of course, D&C 46:11 starts talking about all the gifts that are given out.  Some of us have one gift and some have another, but everyone has at least one.  All the talents and gifts are given so that we can use them to help each other.

When I was talking to my friend about all of this, I kept thinking I had marked a scripture lately about how we can be confident and feel good about ourselves without being wicked, but I can't remember what it was (of course!)  I'd love it if someone would post any scriptures they read or know of that confirm this kind of thing.

Meanwhile, let us each acknowledge the talents we've been given, not be afraid to seek for others and remember and be willing to bless other's lives with them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Better then a whole year

Well, I am glad to see it hasn't been a whole year since I have posted.  So, that means it has only been about 6 months that I have totally sucked at scripture study.  I've exercised, showered, ate cereal, and my hubby is driving the kids to school.  With a few early morning minutes (well, this IS early enough morning for me!) of silence and being alone, I thought it doesn't get better than this to study scriptures!

It has been so long though---I couldn't even remember where I was, what I had been studying, what I should read.  I've been attending Teacher Development at church, so I am not even up on the Sunday school assignment.  I do, however, know that they are studying the Book of Mormon this year.  My family has been reading the BofM since March 28, but we are still in first Nephi.  (We "took the summer off" and forgot how to get started again, I think).  So, it won't be long until Sunday school long passes up the family study.  So, I just glanced over 1 nephi 16...which is the chapter my family is reading (obviously just a few verses at a time) and noticed I had underlined "faith and diligence" in verse 29.

From reading the verse, I know Nephi was talking about the Liahona, but I thought it sure did tie in with prayer also.  Shockingly, my prayers have been weak, hurried and sporadic lately also. I've been concerned about my crappy prayers and thinking I should work harder and making them more thoughtful, less automatic.  Like the Liahona, our directions and answers from the Lord come easiest and most frequently according to the faith and diligence we give it.

Isn't it annoying how you know these things and yet you still don't do them right?