Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Glad to be a loser

I SO should be in bed, but I feel bad about not having posted in the 48 hours I have been back in time.  I'm going crazy with so much to do!

So, I decided to post, but can't even find my scriptures or little notebook---I unpacked them somewhere.....

It was a relief to get on and see I had no new comments and no one is following.  Seriously.  That means no one is wondering about how I'm doing.

I do actually have a post about reading I did while in Teton National Park, but as I said,  I can't find it right now.
So, I am off to bed.  But, I will read a little first anyways
1. because I haven't read since Saturday
2. I'm so flippin stressed over all I have to do and should be doing and the kids start school tomorrow and I can't even get to the little short-non time consuming-items on my To do list, much less the big items, and I just got an email from someone really upset over some things and I've been meaning to email her for a month (literally) and maybe if I had, it would have helped to prevent her current upset-ness.  But, of course, I haven't  taken the time to compose my letter to her (cause it involves thoughtful contemplation and such), so all of that reminded me of how you put things off and then it gets worse, so I'm thinking I could use a little peace in my life.


  1. Beth...I think you are doing great! I hope you were able to accomplish some things on your mountain sized to-do list yesterday. You are an inspiration to me...and I am going to follow your example and read my scriptures more diligently. I will post on here and let you know how I am doing:) And don't worry...I get paid to read blogs and facebook during my downtime at work:)

  2. Yae! Do I have "a follower"? : )
    I don't even know what it means, but I see I have none.

  3. I follow you but not officially because it does me no good to click that little button. I think it is suppose to let me know when you post something but I have never been able to get it to work.
    Hope your mountain is a little smaller by now! :)
