Thursday, October 21, 2010

Patience with others

You already know about the concept I'm going to write about, but it stood out to me today.  Now that I am on the road to "Spiritual Giantness", I'm amazed at all of the different things that really are addressed in the scriptures.  Those scripture loving "I go to the scriptures with all my problems" type people really might be on to something.  : )  Who would have thought?!

Starting in about verse 7, D&C 46 talks about gifts.  It starts out talking about how if we will seek after the best gifts from HF then we won't be deceived by evil.  Then it verse 10 it says we need to remember what the gifts of God are because people don't have the same gifts as each other.

From the gifts listed there, I started thinking about other gifts that people have.  Usually, we consider people that don't have the same gifts as us "irritating" or "frustrating."  You like things scheduled and they are a "go with the flow / what is a watch for?" type person.  You like to continue learning and they are pretty content to stay where they are and keep doing the same things they've always done.  And so on and so on.

Sometimes though, these frustrating traits of others is actually a good thing to have right then.  Verse 12 says different gifts aren't given to different people to drive us crazy, but so we can all benefit from them.  In example one, these people can teach you to relax and slow down so you are able to "Be still and know that I am God."  In #2, these people can teach you a lot about contentment and knowing when enough is enough.  Since some people have the gift of knowledge so they can teach others (v 18), who would they teach if everyone already knew everything?    The HARD PART, of course, is remembering these things so you don't get so irritated by their not doing "things right."

But, that is why God tells us to remember what His gifts are--so we can look at their differences in His light and appreciate them instead of wanting to change them.  Of course, people that can easily do that (not me) have a gift just in that.  I think it's awesome, but I definitely don't have it yet.

So, later it says that some people are able to have ALL of the gifts so they can lead others and be able to understand and work with everyone to others benefit.  Even though some of the gifts seem to contradict each other (faith TO heal vs. faith to BE healed), if you have them all, you would also have the gift of wisdom (which of course, if different then knowledge) and you would know when to use which gift.  That's pretty cool.  So, if you want them all (and haven't us women all been raised with that idea of "WE CAN HAVE IT ALL!"?) then you need to ask for the gift you want and see if it is God's will.

I know I need to work on seeing others in this light.  Some people already naturally look at others and appreciate everything they do that is different.  Some of us naturally want to go in and change them.  You've heard me jokingly say things like "When I rule the world...." or  "Well, if everyone would listen to me...."
but that is because I am not God like and obviously don't have all of the best gifts.   Because if I did, I would be saying things like.....

Hmmm, what would I be saying?  Such a hard concept to consider : )

How about saying things like "Isn't it wonderful to have such variety in our lives?" or "I just love it when people do the opposite of what I think should be done!  It gives me the opportunity to grow and learn SO much."  

O.K., really, I don't think I could EVER say something like quote #2 there.  At least not without a heavy dose of sarcasm.  I don't think sarcasm is listed as a gift.  But, if I ever get to the point of seeing only the good in others,  I suppose I'll be wise enough to be able to come up with my own, sincere comments and be able to say them without sounding even a little bit like a liar.  : )

 "Seek ye earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given."  v 8

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