Friday, September 24, 2010

Better then I think...Not as good as I could

So, I am keeping track of how often I read with the little Google calendar on the side of the blog and I counted up for September....I am a Sister Beck prime example!

I'm doing "Better then you think you are"
After all, I have read more then 1/3 of the days of the month.  That is so much better then I was doing before I started this quest!  SO, SO, SO much better!

However, I'm not doing "as good as you could be" and I know that is SO true.  I could have definitely done better.  There were a couple times in the last week where I remembered I had not read as I was climbing into bed.  Did I choose to turn around and go get my scriptures?  Heck no!  I blatantly chose to get on into bed and ignore and promptings I felt to do otherwise.

But, I am back today.  At least, I'm trying to be back.

Since September 14, I've been reading about Gifts.  I looked it up in the Index and am reading every scripture listed.  I'm making a list of them in my little notebook.  We will be using them in the upcoming year in our Relief Society.  (I don't think anyone reads this from my ward, so I'm not giving them any secret info. : )

I think I have just a verse or two left in the BofM and then on to the Bible or Doctrine & Covenants.

1 comment:

  1. I loved her talk and think it is something we all needed to hear.
