Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Symbolic Passover Dinner

I hate to say aloud I did a Passover dinner in case some Jewish person accidentally came across it and is offended.

However, for Family Home evening last night, we did a sort of Passover type dinner. I butchered the whole Kosher / Unleavened Bread type thing.  I skipped around in the order of things so it made more sense to me. I also put in plenty of  Christianity beliefs and truths we know through modern day revelation.  I probably shouldn't even call it a passover.

We didn't eat the right foods at the right time or any of that, but we did discuss what it was all about.  If my children ever go to a real Jewish passover, they would at least have some idea of what it is all about.  Hopefully, they just won't say anything about "When is the bacon dish coming out?"  (part of my main dish last night!)  I'll stress that part next year.

I'm attaching the file I typed up telling me what to do for the lesson / meal last night.  Hopefully it will be here on the side (we'll see if I know how).

I put a tablecloth on our table (with the leaf in it) and set the table with my china, goblets, etc.  I have huge stemware that I used for ice water and smaller glasses for the "wine" (Of course, we used juice instead of wine: cranberry pomagranite, sparkling cider,  and milk).

This was a last minute idea for me, so I used my regular menu items---a Meat & Bean dish and cornbread as my main dinner.  In addition to the regular dinner, I also put out the following on each plate:

Spinach leaf in Salt Water
Lettuce leaf with a dollop of horseradish (Bitter herbs)
Slice of hard boiled Egg

While eating our regular dinner (after all the special stuff) we talked about the Hebrews getting quail and bread from heaven.  We talked about how it didn't need to be cooked because God took care of them so it would taste good to them as it was.   We talked about Cornbread being made from grains of the earth and how the Egyptains had stored grain to get through the famine, etc.

I think with this lesson written out now, next year I will be able to put more focus on the food and know my Exodus story in more detail.  March is a good month to read directly from the Bible about this time.  There is a lot I had forgotten or didn't see the symbolism of it like I do now as an adult. 

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