Friday, March 11, 2011

Matthew 13:8

I remember someone pointing out that some seeds fall into good ground and bring forth 30 fold, some sixty fold, and some 100 fold.  There is a big difference there between yields.  There is not difference though, in the quality of the fruit.  Only in how much one can give. 

We are all at different places in the gospel and sometimes I forget that.  I can be impatient with what others "give".  Why can't they sacrifice 3 hours that week, like I am?  They've made the same covenants that I have in the temple.   Because they aren't that developed right now.  And some never will be.  

There are people that are lazy, distracted, or just not that "into the gospel" in their life.  But, this part of the parable isn't about them.  Some people are full size apple trees and some are dwarf apple trees.  No matter how old the dwarf trees get, they will never be able to produce as many apples in a year as the full size tree can.  That isn't because the dwarf tree is lazy or unrighteousness or selfish.  It is because they are meant to fulfill the measure of THEIR creation....not the full size tree's creation.  

That's where President Hinkley's  "Do your best, but make sure it is your very best" comes into play.   Who knew you could get so much out of just 3 line verse?  : ) 

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