Friday, March 18, 2011

Reading versus Feasting

   I keep a "scripture writing journal" where I make notes in it as I am reading. You pay attention more when you are reading because you look for things write down.  This has helped me feel like I am "feasting" better.  Instead of just reading to get done, I am reading and looking for things.  Things that give me a purpose for reading that day.

Even if you don't want to blog, a scripture journal is a worthwhile thing.  I just use a small, cute little notebook and keep it with my scriptures.

Lately, I've been trying out the study guide section.  You log in and go under Tools and "My study Notebook".  Then you can read scriptures, the Ensign, conference articles or whatever, and highlight, bookmark, copy and paste, etc." as you go and keep everything online.  The nice thing about that is when you are out of town, you don't use the excuse that you don't want to read scriptures cause you don't have your scripture reading journal to keep notes in.  (Yes, I have thought that before and used that as my excuse).

The have a section for a "journal" also and you can have multiple journals---scripture reading one, personal, or whatever.  The problem is, I am not sure how much personal stuff to put in there.  Will I be able to print it out eventually?  That is the unknown right now with these new options online.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool! Thanks for sharing! You are always a wealth of information.
    ps...I have some expired biscuits (the kind in a tube). Do you think they are okay to use?
