Thursday, November 4, 2010

A feel good

So, I just read a comment that someone else is "trying to follow my example" and read their scriptures more.  That's totally cool, yeah?

I have to say though, this getting into the habit of things really sucks sometimes.  I hate it when I get into bed and then remember I haven't read yet.  Then I have to decide--should I read or just skip it?  I try to at least do a 10 second read (I think I wrote about that earlier) but sometimes I just try to skip the whole thing.

It's the  whole "It's the end of the day and I deserve to read a novel" mentality.

I just read now while I am over at a friends holding babies.  Technically it is Thursday, but I am counting it for Wednesday cause I obviously didn't read on Wednesday.   At about 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, I learned I was coming over here at midnight to hold babies so I went to lay down and take a "little nap".  And as I'm getting into bed, I remember my scriptures.  And, I'm like NO WAY!  I want to sleep.  So, after my little nap, I come over here.  So, I'm still considering it wednesday.   After I go home and go to bed, I'll have to read when I wake up to get credit for Thursday.  Aughh!  How many days have I vowed to read "first thing" and then end up doing the should I or shouldn't I quandary at bedtime?

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